A couple months ago I picked up an AR-15 lower receiver with the intention of building, owning and eventually firing my first AR style rifle! So far, this has consisted of me staring at the lower receiver and parts kit as they collect dust on the shelf…
Spike Tactical’s “The Jack” AR-15 Lower
Well no longer! I finally got up the motivation to go out to the garage and gather up the tools I will need to assemble the parts I do have. I plan on this being a longer term project as quality parts are not cheap, and I am on a rather limited budget. I figure it will take me a few months (at the very least) to save up the required cash to purchase the hardware that will be needed to assemble an operating rifle.
Taking time will also give me the added benefit of researching the staggering array of custom options the AR platform offers.
I will need to pick a stock…
Plain Jane classic fixed A2?
Multi position mall ninja tacticool Magpul ?
Something entirely different?
Barrel length and caliber…
Do I bother filling out the NFA paper work, set up a trust, and go with that awesome looking 8 inch SBR setup in .300 Blackout?
Maybe Bambi slaying .458 SOCOM?
Regular old 5.56mm?
The All-Important Personalized Dust Cover!™ with something witty on to show that my rifle is not to be confused with any of the other little black rifles out there today!
How many rails will it have? And what should be attached to them? Vertical fore grip? Angled fore grip? Flashlights, optics, laser sights. Maybe no rails at all so I can keep it high speed and low drag?
The choices in flash hiders and muzzle devices is enough to overwhelm the brain alone!
This says nothing about things like magazine wraps, slings, custom grips and the host of other parts that will need to be contemplated over before it all comes together as fully functioning machine.
So, before I put too much thought behind getting whatever newfangled, hi-tech, super-coated bolt and carrier out on the market (that I can not yet afford), I need to start with what I got.
I will be spending the rest of the evening watching YouTube videos on how to assemble all the tiny springs, detent pins and other bits and pieces that go into a lower receiver.