- NEU! is the perfect soundtrack for a flying guillotine…or any krautrock really…
- Flying guillotines have awesome eyebrows…
- Blind flying guillotines need both krautrock and big bushy eyebrows to guide them down treacherous mountains.
- Doors are for amateurs, REAL masters just jump through the damn roof!
- Jumping is a skill.
- Holding your breath makes you light enough to walk on the rim of a flimsy basket.
- If you’re REALLY good at holding your breath, you can walk across the wall and ceiling. This is the natural progression of the “jumping” skill, and may come in handy if you ever have to fight a blind person, or that Dhalsim guy from Street Fighter 2…
- Flying guillotines have to wear a NAZI bib so everyone knows they’re evil.
- Flying guillotines are vegetarians, which is also evil.
- Thai kickboxers must snort and belch after every sentence – it’s a character trait.
- In order to activate his ass-kicking power, Thai kickboxer must do a crazy little dance…serenaded by an invisible pungi.
- Thai kickboxer has to prove his prowess by beating up a bunch of extras while his evil friends just kinda show up and get to fight.
- That Yogi Tro Le Soung was clearly a rip off of Dhalsim from Street Fighter II.
- Also, yoga is a form of Kung Fu.
- Plus having really long arms lets you choke the bejesus out of people…who knew Yoga was so brutal!?
- Ironically named, “Yakuma Wins-Without-a-Knife” does in-fact use a knife to win.
- Ironically named evil Ronin are pretty in pink.
- The penalty for a dine-and-dash in China is death by flying guillotine.
- The most practical way to kill the real one-armed boxer is to kill all the one-armed men you come across – it’s not like China is a big place or has a large population or anything…how many one-armed guys can there be? Well, according to the movie, there were three.
- If your enemy is too skilled to beat in a fair fight, just lock him in a burning hut and roast him alive. That’ll teach those damned foreigners to enter our open, regionally-unrestricted contests!
- You don’t have to keep a life-debt to a foreigner if you don’t want to.
- Kung Fu tournaments are a good place to see all the
south-east asian ethnic stereotypeserr “different styles of Kung Fu”. - Kung Fu tournaments sorta make up the rules as they go along…
- …and have no discernible brackets.
- Kung Fu masters who can walk on the ceiling use surprisingly little actual hand-to-hand combat, relying instead on elaborate traps. Go underhanded handi-capable hero! Yay!